Doctor Remy TANIMURA
- Doctor of dental surgery (Lyon University 1995)
- Tri lingual (French, English and Japanese)
- Oral Implantology Certificate (Nice University Sophia Antipolis 2004)
- Private practice in Paris since 1995
- Member of French Esthetical Dentist Association (SFDE)
- Member of AO (Academy fo Osseointegration)
- Member of EAO (European Association of Osseointegration)
- Scientific consultant for dental and implant bio-technological companies
- Lecturer at various universities and scientific associations in France and abroad. Oral Reconstruction Foundation (ORF), European Association of Osseointegration (EAO)…
- Various publications in national and international press.
Links / Articles / Press :
- Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials
- Comparison of access-hole filling materials for screw retained implant prostheses: 12-month in vivo study.
- Treatment of peri-implant soft tissue dehiscence around implants placed in calvarial bone graft maxilla and mandible 20 years ago: A case report
- Le magazine de la santé (France 5)
- La mise en charge implantaire immédiate à la mandibule